So, I saw this little exchange in the comments for Week 21:
Ms Know-It-All said...So your sisters were talking, and we had a question. When was the last time you remember being the weight you are right now? I don't know if you think back about that, but it would be interesting to know.
Also, Melissa observed that by the time this is over, you will have lost more than her entire body weight. Just think--you'll have lost an entire adorable sister's worth of weight!Barney's Biggest Fan said...or obnoxious sister's worthMom said...OK, I personally KNOW all your sisters. Which one is adorable? There's Bicker (aka Bossy), Argue, Panic, and Spoiled but I don't remember Adorable.
Let's just clear this up right now - I'm the Adorable one:

...And the last time I weighed this much, was probably in high school or college. I don't know for sure, I didn't weigh myself much then.
Yes, you certainly are the adorable one.
The funniest part is, I was originally going to say "annoying" sister, instead of adorable, but I was afraid it would make Mel mad. Then she turned around and put obnoxious anyway!
I think we do share a brain...just think how powerful we would be if one of us actually used all of it! Scary.
Exactly who is this "Mom" character leaving catty comments on your blog? She sounds like a fraud, or a trouble maker at least. I wouldn't trust her as far as I could punt her. "Mom." Ha! Like anyone would believe THAT alias. Don't let her fool you.
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