Jun 26, 2007

Week 24

Week 24 PhotoPrevious Weight: 274 lbs
Current Weight: 272 lbs
Change: 2 lbs lost
Total: 88 lbs lost

Another 2 pounds gone this week. Must remain positive. This is still a loss, and that's exactly what counts. I've been spoiled by 4- and 5-pound weeks, I just need to get used to what I'm supposed to be losing each week. Of course, it doesn't help that I'm closing in on triple-digits, and I really, really want to get there.

Oh! And smaller clothes again this week: size XL t-shirt, 44"-waist on the shorts, I even went down a shoe size (though I'm not wearing them in the picture). So, that helps things.

Jun 20, 2007


Folks were asking about my diet the other day, so I decided to put my typical menu out here for y'all to see. Now, I don't adhere perfectly to this, but it's what I eat, if I'm being "good". As you can see, there isn't really anything bizarre on the list.

A few of bits of advice, if you're trying to diet yourself:

  1. The biggest thing is portion control. If you pay attention to the recommended serving size, there isn't much you can't eat.
  2. Get yourself a food scale. It doesn't have to be fancy, or special or anything. I picked one up in the Kitchen section of Wal-Mart for about seven bucks.
  3. 8 fluid ounces equals 1 cup. Take a 12-ounce glass, and put marks on it (I used a Sharpie) at the 1/2-cup and 1-cup levels. Then, just fill to the appropriate line, or all the way for 1 1/2 cups.
  4. If you're ever unsure about how much a portion is in "human" terms (for example, if they list everything in grams), Google is your best friend. Just search for grams to ounces gives you the answer in no time. It works for just about any unit conversion you can think of.
  5. Calorie-Count.com is your other best friend. It gives you nutrition information for just about any food you can throw at it, even some restaurant items.
  6. Don't be afraid to substitute. If you're out of bananas at breakfast time, go ahead and have an apple instead. I've even played around with my portions here over the past few months - having 1 cup of milk and a whole apple at lunch, instead of 1 1/2 cups of milk and 1/2 apple, for instance.
  7. Single-serving packages! You're going to get tired of this stuff at one point or another. I was ecstatic the day I discovered they make microwavable, single-serving Hamburger Helper now. Only about 200 calories, depending on which kind you get. Add a glass of milk, and you've got yourself a decent evening-snack substitute.
Wow... OK, that's more than a "few" things. I'll shut up now, and give you the menu:
7:15 AM - 453 cal
  • Milk, Skim (1 cup)
  • Post® Grape-Nuts Trail Mix Crunch (1/2 cup)
  • Egg, Large
  • Banana, Medium
10:00 AM - 270 cal
  • Flour Tortilla, 6"
  • Lo-Fat Mozzarella Cheese (1/4 cup)
  • Apple Juice (1/2 cup)
  • Orange, Medium
1:00 PM - 437 cal
  • Wheat Bread (2 slice)
  • Miracle Whip® - Light (1 tbsp)
  • Tuna, Drained (2 oz, about 1/2 can)
  • Apple, Medium
  • Milk, Skim (1 cup)
  • Orange Juice (1/2 cup)
5:00 PM - 345 cal
  • Wheat Bread (2 slices)
  • Miracle Whip® - Light (1 tbsp)
  • Turkey, White Roasted (3 oz)
  • Baby Carrots (3 oz, about 10 carrots)
  • Milk, Skim (1 cup)
8:00 PM - 310 cal
  • Wheat Bread (2 slice)
  • Miracle Whip® - Light (1 tbsp)
  • Ham (3 oz)
  • Milk, Skim (1 cup)
1815 Total Calories

Jun 19, 2007

Week 23

Week 23 PhotoPrevious Weight: 278 lbs
Current Weight: 274 lbs
Change: 4 lbs lost
Total: 86 lbs lost

Okay... getting back on track this week. It's odd. I don't think I did anything different between the past few weeks. Same general eating habits, same general workout (actually started stepping it up a little). But obviously there was something different.

Guess I'll file it under Stuff Just Happens.

Jun 12, 2007

Week 22

Week 22 PhotoPrevious Weight: 280 lbs
Current Weight: 278 lbs
Change: 2 lbs lost
Total: 82 lbs lost

Still a loss this week, just not as much. I knew I wouldn't be able to keep up the 5-lbs-a-week streak forever. Fortunately, we were already going to change things up a bit this week anyway. So I really just have to do what we were already going to do. Ahhhh....fatalism

Jun 6, 2007


So, I saw this little exchange in the comments for Week 21:

Ms Know-It-All said...
So your sisters were talking, and we had a question. When was the last time you remember being the weight you are right now? I don't know if you think back about that, but it would be interesting to know.

Also, Melissa observed that by the time this is over, you will have lost more than her entire body weight. Just think--you'll have lost an entire adorable sister's worth of weight!

Barney's Biggest Fan said...
or obnoxious sister's worth
Mom said...
OK, I personally KNOW all your sisters. Which one is adorable? There's Bicker (aka Bossy), Argue, Panic, and Spoiled but I don't remember Adorable.

Let's just clear this up right now - I'm the Adorable one:
Week 17 - Happy

...And the last time I weighed this much, was probably in high school or college. I don't know for sure, I didn't weigh myself much then.

Jun 5, 2007

Week 21

Week 21Previous Weight: 285 lbs
Current Weight: 280 lbs
Change: 5 lbs lost
Total: 80 lbs lost

I started at 360, and want to get to 200. As of this week, I'm halfway there.

I may have to rename this site 42 Weeks to a New Me.