Sep 27, 2007

Completely Random Moment at the Gym Today

They've got this testimonial "Wall of Fame" at the gym, and a few weeks back they put my before-and-somewhat-after pictures up.

Fast-forward to today, and I'm on the treadmill warming up before my training session. Completely out of the blue, the woman next to me tells me how she saw my pictures on the wall, and how amazed she is at how far I've come. It's one thing to hear it from friends and family members...I'm just paranoid enough to think they're humoring me. But when a complete stranger notices, well that just makes you feel really good.

I really didn't know how to respond.

Sep 25, 2007

Ms. Know-It-All's Week Three

Previous Weight: 178
Current Weight: 175.5
Lost this week: 2.5 lbs
Total: 3.5 lbs

Woo Hoo! Progress! Pictures coming soon--I keep forgetting.

Ryan - Week 37

Week 37Previous Weight: 233 lbs
Current Weight: 228 lbs
Change: 5 lbs lost
Total: 132 lbs lost

I like being in the home stretch. It's like my current weight has become a countdown. I imagine a guy coming over the loudspeaker at NASA saying "T-minus 28 pounds and counting..."

It occurred to me the other day, that since I started this, I haven't even considered giving up. The thought just never entered my mind. Sure, there have been days where I didn't feel like exercising, but I still did it. And aside from the occasional Diet Coke, I haven't really had any cravings for junk food, once I "detoxed" and got it all out of my system.

Wait... do peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches count as junk food?

Sep 18, 2007

Ms Know-It-All Week 2

Previous Weight: 179
Current Weight: 178
Lost this week: 1 lb
Total: 1 lb

I know it's only one pound, but it's still a loss!

By the way, Barney--I know you're reading this. If I'm going to put in the effort to lose weight, I'm going to challenge you to learn how to add in comments. I'm going to come down to BL to show you.

Ryan - Week 36

Week 36Previous Weight: 235 lbs
Current Weight: 233 lbs
Change: 2 lbs lost
Total: 127 lbs lost

Sep 11, 2007

Ms Know-It-All's Week 1

Well, now that my little brother's gone and made it public, I guess I have no choice but to step up and do this! I have no idea how I'm going to make it happen, but it's time to get serious about getting healthy. As a wise woman mentioned on Sunday, working out is OK until you get all hot and uncomfortable! I realize this presents a significant hurdle to losing weight, so I guess I'll have to figure that one out.

I've said that I want to "get serious" before, but I got a huge reality check yesterday. I got on the scale (which I've avoided doing for the last six weeks or so), and realized I've actually put on 10 pounds this summer. Crap! So, here's my week one stats. I'll try to figure out how to add a photo later.

Current Weight: 179
Previous Weight: 179
Change: 0 pounds lost
Total: 0 pounds lost

Incidentally, although I clearly don't have all the answers in the weight-loss world, I find it hard to let go of my nickname, so it stays! I would take suggestions for new ones, but with all of the smart-asses in our family, it would take me weeks to sort through them all.

Week 35

Week 35Previous Weight: 240 lbs
Current Weight: 235 lbs
Change: 5 lbs lost
Total: 125 lbs lost

Wow! Looks like I'm more than back on track this week. I was worried that my vacation would completely ruin any momentum I had. But enough about me.

Now, my big sister, our very own Ms Know-It-All, has decided she's going to lose this last 40 pounds with me. Let's everyone wish Jen luck - I can only hope she gets just as much support from y'all as I have over the past year. (but no more... that just wouldn't be fair!)

Sep 4, 2007

Week 34

Week 34Previous Weight: 241 lbs
Current Weight: 240 lbs
Change: 1 lbs lost
Total: 120 lbs lost

When I left for vacation, I promised myself I wouldn't get sunburned. Fat lot of good that did.

Hey, one pound down isn't too bad, considering I wasn't following my diet this past week. I've now officially hit the three-quarter mark. Only forty more pounds to go!