You don't know me, but I stumbled onto your blog and am beyond impressed! Yours is the first blog I check on Tuesday mornings. I feel very inspired to stop wallowing about things I need to change. Keep up the good work!
I am also a habitual Tuesday morning viewer! It's the first thing i do when i get to work. I don't know what i'm going to do when you decide you don't need to keep the blog going every week--i'll be lost!
Have you thought about going back to see to the doctor that gave you "the talk" back in February? (is that all the farther back that was?? It seems like a lifetime ago!) I would think it would be very gratifying for the doc to know what an impact that conversation had on you.
You don't know me, but I stumbled onto your blog and am beyond impressed! Yours is the first blog I check on Tuesday mornings. I feel very inspired to stop wallowing about things I need to change. Keep up the good work!
I am also a habitual Tuesday morning viewer! It's the first thing i do when i get to work. I don't know what i'm going to do when you decide you don't need to keep the blog going every week--i'll be lost!
Have you thought about going back to see to the doctor that gave you "the talk" back in February? (is that all the farther back that was?? It seems like a lifetime ago!) I would think it would be very gratifying for the doc to know what an impact that conversation had on you.
hello! I said that a few weeks ago about the doctor thing and got nothing in response.
Like hell you didn't! I responded in the comments.
I'm going to be a pain about it now, and make you go back and read it yourself.
I found it. Sorry--apparently i don't spend every waking second looking back at comments.
Maybe when we get you on Oprah, we could have the doctor come on there too. It'll be great!
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