Sep 11, 2007

Ms Know-It-All's Week 1

Well, now that my little brother's gone and made it public, I guess I have no choice but to step up and do this! I have no idea how I'm going to make it happen, but it's time to get serious about getting healthy. As a wise woman mentioned on Sunday, working out is OK until you get all hot and uncomfortable! I realize this presents a significant hurdle to losing weight, so I guess I'll have to figure that one out.

I've said that I want to "get serious" before, but I got a huge reality check yesterday. I got on the scale (which I've avoided doing for the last six weeks or so), and realized I've actually put on 10 pounds this summer. Crap! So, here's my week one stats. I'll try to figure out how to add a photo later.

Current Weight: 179
Previous Weight: 179
Change: 0 pounds lost
Total: 0 pounds lost

Incidentally, although I clearly don't have all the answers in the weight-loss world, I find it hard to let go of my nickname, so it stays! I would take suggestions for new ones, but with all of the smart-asses in our family, it would take me weeks to sort through them all.

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